Saturday, June 23, 2007

Lazy Saturday.

Here we are just hanging out in the house...lazy Saturday.
Look what a good sit and stay we have...
Look at the beautiful profile of Miss Saffie.


Duke said...

Saffie does have a pretty profile but you're pretty darn cute too Allegra!

Love ya lots,

Asta said...

Nothing better than hanging out with a gweat fwiend..and you're both vewy bootiful
smoochie kisses

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Were you waiting for food? I can behave very well if food or treats are on offer!

Oscar x

Putter said...

Hi Allegra!

You look like you are having fun hanging out with Saffie:)!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Ume said...

hi Allegra,
wonderful list of MeMeMe!
have u ever tried to put Saffie into your mouth? i hope not...
i tot your Best Trick is reali neat!

Stanley said...


Are you and Saffie hanging out in the kitchen? You look so incredibly calm (or are you bored?).

Glad you two have each other!

Goob love,