Friday, June 22, 2007

Burning Questions!

Well I go to bed for one night and there is a total new contest out there. So here it goes...I also got Saffie to open up a little and tell me some things about herself....

1. Your age? -

Allegra: 6 months on the 29th. You should check out my timeticker on the bottom of the page to keep you'll updated.
Saffie: Not sure. It is believed to be around 7 year!

2. Your age when came to live with your people? -

Allegra: 8 weeks to the day...Funny story about that.....It was fate.
Saffie: 5 years ago- I was found in Karlsbad Caverns in NM.

3. What color is the collar you’re wearing right now? -

Allegra: Green with a shiny tag.
Saffie: Ohhh. I am so glad you asked. Mom is making me wear TWO collars because of the last little incident......I have this one that is tan with a tag, and a black one with another tag.

Mom: As you all know Saffie was taken...what she doesn't tell you is she has a knack for losing (getting out) of her collar. I am simply trying to balance that with making sure it is safe and that she doesn't hang herself! A mother's job is NEVER rewarding....

4. Who is your favorite person other than the people you live with? -

Allegra & Saffie: Miss Kelly, of course. She is so awesome! She lets us do whatever we want when she babysits. Plus when she comes over we know we are going to do something fun!!!

5. How much do you weigh? -

Allegra: I think 35 lb pounds....
Saffie: A steady 23 the 20 lbs for the collars I have to wear.

6. Most expensive thing you’ve ever chewed up?

Allegra: Nothing to date. I did "relocated" one of momma's shoes. But I gave it back..... (update- Really how could mom forget?): mom's new car, a rattle mom gave dad- boy that went was so upset)
Saffie: Nothing. I am not a chewer (like other litte Tyke). I did loose an expensive Coach collar somewhere under the house. I also ate a loaf of bread that momma made (from scratch). If you calculate all the time (1 plus month for the starter) and the cost of the book ($50), plus the special ingredients that she had to get shipped- it was one expensive loaf of bread that I ate from the table....

Momma: I almost wanted to delete this question from them....I have no worries about Miss Saffie (other than stealing bread)....but Allegra is just into everything all the time..especially my shoes...I have to hide them all the time....then I can't find them...

7. Do you like other Dogs? -

Allegra: I love everyone... as long as they play with me....I especially like the small ones I can put in my mouth..
Saffie: Nope. Not one. I can barely tolerate the little monster...she was one of the reasons I took off for a couple of weeks....Did I asked for a little sister? Especially one that would get bigger than me and try to DOMINATE me? Nope. I especially hate doggies I can look in the eye. And Austin and Jackson- them too....

8. Who is your best non-human friend? -

Allegra: My own personal trainer and wind up toy- Che the kitty. Maybe Quint---
Saffie: Nobody. I can tell you who I don't like: Io Burns the kitty (who lives in Miami with the grandparents).

9. Squeaky Toys or Tennis Balls? -

Allegra: Both. Squeaky toys if I am in the house. Tennis balls if I am outside.
Saffie: Neither. I hate toys.

Momma: That is actually an interesting question as to Saffie. We think because she didn't grow up with toys that she doesn't like them...She doesn't even like Kongs....

10. Do you like to be brushed? -

Allegra: Nope. Momma always finds burrs and stuff and then it hurts...Plus I don;t get brushed- I get plucked.
Saffie: Ditto. Except I get matted hair too....

11. Peanut Butter or Cheese? -

Allegra: Why choose? Life is too short for just one. So...peanut butter in my Kong. Cheese for a treat or training...
Saffie: Tortillas. I am a southwestern dog.

12. Do your people cut your toenails? -

Allegra: Yup. Except momma prefers that the vet tech do it because she always bludgeons me.
Saffie: I prefer paint on my toenails.

13. Any formal education? -

Allegra: Puppy Class.
Saffie: Basic Manners. Manners & More.

Momma: Saffie actually ran away the day before the AKC Good Citizen test.... coincidence- I think not...

14. Couch potato or Energizer Bunny? -

Allegra: Energizer bunny.
Saffie: I am more mountain goat then dog. Energizer bunny. I like to jump up and down, back and forth, all the time.

15. Five nicknames your people call you -

Allegra: Monster, gremlin, marmal, Lit 'Legra, Alligator face
"Saffie": "Saffie" is my nickname. My real name is top secret (there are people out there who want to do me harm if they knew my location). Monster, marmal, mountain goat

16. What is your best trick? -

Allegra: Find the shoe
Saffie: Getting out a double fenced in yard.

17. Do you like kitties? -

Allegra & Saffie: See question #8.

18. What did you have for breakfast? -

Allegra & Saffie: Boring kibble. I'm trying to get momma to go BARF...but she is a vegetarian and doesn't like touching meat....

Momma: I have no problem with doggies eating meat- even raw- but we live in a small town and my hope of getting good meat for them practially means going next store and killing one of the neighbor's goats....and you guys won;t have anything if momma doesn't go to the pet store after work....

19. Can you hunt (aka have you ever killed anything living)?

Soon after we got Allegera there was a dead bunny found. I am not sure who is the culpret- or if they didn't just find a dead bunny....

20. When & why was the last time you went to the V.E.T.? -

Allegra: 5/24/2007. The "scoop..scoop medical waste" surgery. Now I can have all the fun I want without any responsibility.
Saffie: March 2007. Teeth cleaning and hair cut.

21. Where do you sleep at night? -

Allegra: In jail. And they even have the gaul to call in my "house."
Saffie: In bed with mom on 3/4 of the bed. I like to put my head on the pillow.

22. Do you like to swim? -

Allegra & Saffie: Nope.

23. Can you make puppies? -

Allegra: See #20.
Saffie: I had children once....Dad had to pay extra for my "scoop...scoop medical waste" surgery because I was engorged...

24. Your favorite place to visit? -

Allegra: Hmmmm.....
Saffie: Wherever the wind take me....The cows down the street...

25. Do you give kisses? -

Allegra: 24/7.
Saffie: Yuck....have some dignity please.

26. Can you potty on command? -

Allegra: After a little sniffing. My word is "Evacuate-" not so good a word in Florida....
Saffie: I have never been asked. I take care of stuff myself.

27. To Cuz or not to Cuz? -

Allegra: ???
Saffie: ???

Momma: I am not sure what is a cuz...
Momma update: After doing some research, I went out and purchased Allegra a Cuz. I wanted a evil Cuz but they were out. Gotta say- she loves it.....amd she hasn't really found out how to make it speak.


Jake of Florida said...

Hey Alegra, We don't want to be pushy, but we read your blog today and think you and Saffie sound like fun dogs. And, as we said yesterday in a post to your blog - it sounds as though we're almost neighbors. Certainly, we identify with the word Evacuate here in SF. So give us a bark!!

Jake and Just Harry, the Barkalot Boyz from Plantation

Jake of Florida said...

Well, it sounded as though we were neighbors. Too bad. But we'd still like to be friends 'cause we're almost kissin' cousins. Lots of people even ask us if we are Airedales. We always answer, no, but we have several Airedale friends (Linus who lives in Ohio and Abe who lives in North Carolina).

Mom has a client in Tallahassee and Dad's company has an office there, so we've heard lots about the town. They like it -- except for the limited air service. In fact, Mom and Dad were just up there for a wedding last weekend in the Killearny area.

So bark at us from time to time and lets all pray that the hurricanes stay away from everyone this year!!! (Mom went through Andrew and we all went through Wilma, so we aren't too crazy about them.)

Jake and JH

Duke said...

I love your favorite trick answer! hehehehehe

Love ya lots,

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

I feel I know you both so well now!

Oscar x

Stanley said...

Saffie & Allegra!

Hey, girls. Thanks for the 411. Saffie, I feel like that was a stretch for you to open up so much. Thanks for trusting us with your answers.

Enjoy the weekend! And Saffie, remember, there's a lot Allegra can learn from you. She loves you so.

Goob love,