Thursday, June 28, 2007

Dad is Home!!

Dad is finally home. He was gone for like 2 months....That was some pretty formative time for me since I am only six months ..

Dad said: "Where's my puppy." So I wagged my tail...and he said: "No where's my puppy." Then he told me I couldn't grow anymore....

Dad was real happy to see Saffie.

Momma put tags on all us marmals that said: "Welcome Back Dad!" I think he liked them. They are great to grab onto when playing bitey face with Saffie.

Momma is goning to get the camera back from dad.....and she will take a picture of them and more pictures of me!


Duke said...

Two months is an eternity! You must be one happy household today! I can't wait to see more pictures!

Love ya lots,

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Wow, that was an AGE without your dad. You have some serious catch up playtime to do!

Oscar x

Jake of Florida said...

I bet you were happy to see your Dad and he will discover that you may be a bit bigger, but you're still a puppy!! We terriers never quite outgrow our puppyish ways entirely, do we?

We look forward to seeing your new photos!

Jake of Florida

Stanley said...

More photos!!

Your public demands more photos!!!!

Goob love,