Saturday, October 20, 2007

Here are some more of the Pumpkin festival!

Momma was rubbing my belly to do the "chase the bunny trick" for people.
Here are me with pumkins. I am like Mitchy- they are okay but scawry.
I have to keep an eye out for them.


Noah the Airedale said...

Hi Allegra,
Why is there a festival for pumpkins? Has it something to do with Halloween? We don't really celebrate Halloween here in australia. Although sometimes kids go door knocking to get sweets.
Looks like you enjoyed yourself.

Hugs and tail wags,
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Duke said...

I'm not afraid of pumpkins anymore, Allegra! I learned that they just sit there and rot and they don't try and reach out and grab you! I love all of your pictures. You're sure cute!

Yer friend,

Harry said...

Oooh, how brave. Not sure I have ever seen a pumpkin!

I'm Harry. Oscar's mum and dad adopted me 3 weeks ago. I am 10 years old. Nice to meet you.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Stanley said...

Allegra Girl!!

Yea!!!!!!!! You're back, and looking sassier than ever.

Don't worry about the pumkins! You can eat them. Did you know that? At least you can eat their guts (I do sometimes & it's tasty).

Love your belly rub face!

Goober love,

Bogart H. Devil said...

Yeah I'm not sure how I would react to pumpkins either - they look an awful lot like balloons which creep me out.

Big Aire Kisses


Neko said...

You look great. I love pumpkins too. Love, Neko

Charlie - The Big Dog said...

Hey A,

Just stopped by to say Hi, and I hope you update again soon. You're VERY cool, and I'd love know what you have been up to lately!

Luv your o pal C$

Charlie - The Big Dog said...

Thats meant to be "OL" pal.

Stupid keyboards!

Why don't they invent "PAWBOARDS"!

Humans are stupid!


Bogart H. Devil said...

Hey Allegra & Saffie!

My mama wants to send you something - a sample of the yummy dog treats we're making (it's doggie jerky!) - if you want some, just drop me an email with your address (my email is and I'll get ya some right out!


cookie said...

I know all baby pictures are cute, but yours is REALLY cute. Like the pumpkin pictures.
Looking forward to reading more.

High five paws
Cookie and crew

Anonymous said...

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H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

I'm stopping by to say ha woooo!

Unknown said...

Only in Florida could you have a pumpkin festival. What a lark. Great fun for the dogs. Our Airedale - Roxy - would love those big orange footballs.

Have a great day.