Friday, September 28, 2007

We are fierce!

Momma just wants to warn you guys about how scary we are. Don't come over to our house.

I mean look at Che- there is a squirrel eating the food for the birds right outside the house. Does she do anything?
And me? When do I get kisses?

Now Saffie, she looks like one tough doggie.


Stanley said...

Allegra & Saffie!

You both look mighty fierce lying out in the yard like that. The intensity is about to melt my flatscreen.

Good to see you're both alive and well. I've missed you, girlies.

Goober love & smooches,

Duke said...

OMG, we would love to grab that squirrel's tail!
Glad you guys are back!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Maggie said...

i am scared of you guys !!

Asta said...

I'm quaking in my shoesies,hehehe I wish I could come tame you giwls..that would be fun
smoochie kisses

Patty Nason said...

Wow, you guys really ARE tough!


Neko said...
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Neko said...

I love your blog, I linked you on mine.