Friday, June 29, 2007

I'm 6 month old... seems like everyone is celebrating their birthdays in years, but when you are a wee puplet like me, you do what you can to get attention often......

So- today is my half birthday...Yeah!

And the training starts for me to be a better puplet. Yesterday mom talked dad into talking us for a walk. Well I wasn't too good on the leash and kept pulling. Dad was having none of that! Mom tried to tell him that it wasn't covered in puppy class and dad said I had to go back then....Yeah! I love classes.

(I was a little better towards the end with the pulling...I was just so excited about the walkie..)

Love 'Legra


Duke said...

Hey Allegra,

Mitch celebrated his 6 months birthday and he got pressies and ice cream! I sure hope you get the same thing! Half a year is a cause to celebrate too, right!

Love ya lots,

Putter said...

Hi Allegra!

Happy half birthday! You are gonna be celebrating one year before you know it! :)!!!!!!! Talk to you soon, okay!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Stanley said...

Woo Hoo, Allegra Girl!

Happy half birthday to you!!!!
Hey, some may say it's only been six months, but it's been your WHOLE LIFE! I think that's cause for a celebration!

(Since you can't see me, you need to know that I'm doing my happy dance for you!)

Your goober pal,

Bogart H. Devil said...

Happy 6 months Allegra!!!!

Love & Aire kisses,

The Airechicks said...

Happy Belated 6 Monthes

Sorry for being late with our wishes for a wonderful celebration.

Enjoy each day !!!

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Happy 6 month birthday Allegra. I hope you get very spoilt!

Oscar x

Asta said...

Hi Allegra,
Happy 6 momf birfday to you!! it's a big milestone for a little pup.
I got taken for ice cweam too at six momfs, maybe you pawents can take you too, it's yummy, just don't gobble too fast and get a tummy ache.
I'm awready 9momfs old you're catching up hehehehe
smoochie kisses

Liberty Doo Dah said...

Wow! A whole half year old! I'm not too far off! I'm 1 year and 5 months! I love training class too! I refer to it as the Kookie class cause I get all sorts of good treats! Mum says to suggest a harness called a sensation harness for your pulling! I can't pull my mum around on that thing AND it's comfortable!

fee said...

happy half burpday allegra! be good!