Here are some more cutie pictures of me..

So Momma doesn't know too much about puplets. But she wants to give me treats. Can you help? She learned from Maggie and Mitch to give me frozen yogurt. Mmmmm.... Frozen yogurt. She tried spinach (yuck!), carrots (yuck!), strawberries (yum, yum!)
What else is good -Peeps.
I have a Kong stuffed with different things - banana (can be frozen too), peanut butter, soft cheese. Keeps me quiet for a good while!
I also like apple and carrots.
Oscar x
I like cucumbers too and blueberries and walnuts! I'll try just about anything - just no grapes or raisins! Bummer! And I used to like those until we discovered that they're poison!
Love ya lots,
Oh Allegra!
Yu ust try some mashed banana in a kong with some yummy natural peanut butter to seal the deal! One of my fav's! I also LOVE freeze dried liver! Oh, I'm just drooling with the thought of it!
i LoVe yogurt , carrots, apples , banannas , peanuts , amd in the summer when its hot she makes me icecream , you add plain yogurt , melted peanut-butter , banannas , and strawberries , mix up in bowl , and freeze for loke 30 min' then take it out of the freezer stur up , and keep doing that till like hooman icecream ! it is super yummy !!
Hello Allegra, I'm Maggie's friend. You sure are a cute doggie. :)
~ girl girl
Hey Allegra, just dropping by to say hello. I eat ANYTHING so I'm afraid I can't add anything else to what others have already suggested. J X
Hey Allegra, another thing I like is home made dried liver. If mum is not squeamish, get some lamb's liver, chop it into cubes, spread it on a baking sheet lined with non-stick baking paper and dry in the oven at the lowest temperature for around 6 hours. The smell while it is drying is hard to resisit, but it is worth waiting for. It keeps well in an airtight container.
Thanks for my comments about my hoodie. I can already do "Bang" - there are videos of me doing it on my blog under a post called "Bang Bang".
Oscar x
Liver Brownies, Salmon Brownies, PB Kookies!!!! Yum-O.
Our Mom makes homemade frosty paws & they are deeeeeeelicious!
Sherman, Penny & Lola
I love everything everydoggie else mentioned, but I'm especially a gonner if offered nanners (bananas)and peabutter (p-nut butter).
Goob love,
Just by reading each of the comments, made me imagine my Golden Retriever wagging his tail all over the place! Right now I'm giving him these dog treats which are his absolute favorites.
Peanut butter treats also taste awesome for my dog. Treating him with his desired cravings really does wonders!
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