Sunday, June 10, 2007

Friday Night!

Momma had a whole night of work planned on Friday night, but her friend Kelly called and asked her if she wanted to go for a walk around the local park. I told Miss Kelly "Yes" for both Saffie and I.

There were ducks there and I had to use my big girl bark to let them know I was around.

Our friend Natalie and her new doggie- Quintin- came. He is only 2 pounds and a Scottie/ Westie mix. He was so smalls and littles compared to me. I almost stepped on him twice! Oppps...Look how cute we are!

Here is momma talking a picture of Saffie! Opps...Stay still...

Everybody likes Quint better than me. I guess you can't be a puppy and 34 pounds at the same time....I mean he is cute....the wee puplet...
But look at this face..... The lady Natalie had these awesome treats. She kept giving them to the other dogs but I would take them instead...Snap! Gotsa be quick!


Duke said...

What at cutie Quintin is!
Glad you convinced your mom and Kelly that walkies are fun and that you should be included!

Love ya lots,

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

You are so the cutest!

Oscar x

Asta said...

Hi Allegra
Quint cewtainly is a cutie, but gimme a bweak! nooo way cuter than you!!!!!!!Yo're positively bootiful, don't even think otherwise.
Hoomans can be pwetty stoopid, why compare us anyway,we're all cute, and I bet you had a great day with your fwiends, sleep tight,
smoochie kisses

Abby said...

It is definatly a good idea to snap treats away from other dogs, I totally agree! My human brother has a pup and she always gets more attention when she comes! I must admit, I am a little jealous. Oh well. I like your blog, have a good day!

Bogart H. Devil said...

Ok Quint is cute, but...



Stanley said...


Bogart said it best. Of course the puplet Quint is cute, but you're pawsitively bootiful! You're a big girl now, sister! Don't listen to the hoomans all the time.

Goob love,

P.S. If you want another Airedale to live with you, check out Airedale rescue - seriously. If ZZ and I came from there it can't be all bad!

Putter said...


I agree! You are the cutest ever! What a funest walkie though, huh!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Ume said...

hi Allegra,
honestly, i think u r way cuter!